General Information

Student Holds

学生滞留可能会阻止你注册课程, receive grades, request transcripts, take final examinations, or receive any other information.


View your student holds in your ACES Login and select the following:

  • Web Services
  • Student
  • Student Records
  • View Holds

Late Payments and Failure to Pay

你有责任在学费支付计划的截止日期前付款. If you fail to pay on or before the payment due date, you may incur a $10 Late Fee for each late payment.

未能在最后付款截止日期前全额付款可能导致帐户被发送到十大网赌正规网址官网区第三方催收机构之一.  学生有责任支付100%的本金费用和任何收款费用,如果帐户出现拖欠, such as legal fees, attorney fees, etc., associated with the collection of your account. 在你还清债务之前,你的学生留校记录也会被记录下来.


Note: 退课或退学不会取消你对学校的经济义务.

Check Regulations

十大网赌正规网址官网保留将个人支票转换为ACH的权利. 在接受个人支票的过程中,店面披露了一项声明,即所有个人支票将转换为ACH交易并将以电子方式处理. 此外,收据提供了此披露的书面通知.

Returned Check Policy

当支票因任何原因被银行退回时,必须立即退还资金. 十大网赌正规网址官网保留将退回的支票转换为ACH的权利. In addition, the district will charge a $35.00 administrative fee for all returned check items. 不鼓励使用个人支票支付退票.

如果在学期评分期结束前未支付退回的支票, 该帐户成为拖欠,因此将被释放到一个外部催收机构. 任何由代理机构评估的费用将由学生负责.

Stop Payment

停止支付学费支票不构成正式退学,将被视为国家科学基金项目. 正式退学必须通过招生和记录办公室处理.

Three-Peat Tuition Costs

Due to state legislation passed Spring 2005 (HB994, Sec3), 十大网赌正规网址官网将不再为那些曾经三次或三次以上尝试同一门课程的学生(包括成绩为“W”的课程)所修课程的学费报销。. Therefore, 这种“三连冠”课程的学费将是目前州外学费的成本.

Testing Fees

测试费用可以使用我们的十大网赌正规网址官网市场商城在线支付. 市场购物中心接受万事达卡付款, Visa, American Express, Discover and electronic check. 请在上网前访问考试部网站*并支付费用.

*See Steps to Pay for Testing Online

Student Support Service Fee

All students in the Alamo Colleges District pay a Student Support Service Fee, 也包括在十大网赌正规网址官网区的任何校园停车, off-site locations or district offices. No sticker or decal is distributed. For students, 每学期25美元的费用包括在他们每学期支付的学杂费中, with the maximum fee paid not to exceed $50 per year.

On October 20, 2020, 校董事会批准将校园使用费更名为“学生支持服务费”,以明确该费用打算涵盖的成本. Renaming the fee as “Student Support Service Fee” more accurately describes what the fee covers. 

2013年5月21日,董事会批准了学生校园使用费/收费. 学生每年最多支付50美元的校园使用费. The “Student Support Services Fee” formerly, 设立校园使用费,覆盖技术基础设施, student support services, VIA passes and parking. 

Refund to Credit Cards

Credit card payments can be used to pay tuition and fees. If a student drops a class that results in a credit, 学院商务办公室将退还所使用的信用卡. Credit card adjustments are done weekly.

请预留10 - 15个工作日完成调整.

Student Processing Fee

New student flat fee of $100.转学和访问学生(临时)第一学期学费为00.

International Education Fee

Implementation of $1.00 per-student, 自2018财年起,海外留学奖学金项目每学期十大网赌正规网址官网费.
The Board approved the implementation of $1 per-student, 自2018财年起,每学期十大网赌正规网址官网费用于支持海外留学奖学金项目,目的是为所有参加十大网赌正规网址官网项目的学生提供奖学金机会.

Campus Access Fee

十大网赌正规网址官网区的所有学生都要支付校园使用费,其中包括在十大网赌正规网址官网区的任何校园停车的费用, off-site locations or district offices. No sticker or decal is distributed.

For students, 每学期25美元的费用包括在他们每学期支付的学杂费中, with the maximum fee paid not to exceed $50 per year.

Exemptions & Waivers

豁免或豁免是支付全部或部分学生的学杂费账单. 自2014年秋季起,参议院1210号法案(第83届德克萨斯州议会,例会)增加了2.通过该计划(通常称为SB1210)获得继续奖励的人员的平均成绩要求为0.

该法案还规定了总时数的限制, cumulative, 学生可以通过该项目获得并继续获得奖励. The provisions of this statute, found in TEC Chapter 54, Subchapter D, 对豁免和豁免项目追溯适用超额学时限制和平均成绩(GPA)要求: Texas Education Code: TEC 54.014;  additional reference: Exemptions and Waivers - THECB.

德州提供各种免学费项目, fees, 以及其他与就读公立高等教育机构有关的费用. 提供的课程可以是强制性的,需要参加,而其他课程是可选的.

  • Exemptions: 允许德克萨斯州居民或非居民的特殊群体注册并支付减少的学杂费.

  • Waivers: 允许特殊的非居民群体注册并支付减免的非居民学费.

All exemption or waiver programs, whether mandatory or optional, 只适用于院校可获公式资助的课程.

公式拨款:定义为高等教育机构之间分配拨款来源的方法. 公式资助课程是指那些不完全依赖学生学杂费来支付成本的课程.


Blind/Deaf Student Exemption Program
Clinical Preceptors and Their Children
Concurrent Enrollment Waiver
Firefighters Enrolled in Fire Science Courses
Highest Ranking High School Graduate
Military: Children of U.S. 失踪军人或战俘(MIA/POWs)
TAPS for Tuition Program
Military: Orphans of Texas Members of the U.S. Armed Forces or National Guard
Hazlewood Exemption (for Texas Veterans)
** 参加高中和大学双学分课程的学生

军事支援服务是为了满足现役军人的需要而设立的, 圣安东尼奥地区的国民警卫队和预备役人员及其家属, and abroad. 该部门协助那些有兴趣参加和十大网赌正规网址官网的学生和那些已经参加或录取的学生.

** For Enrollment in High School Programs, please visit:


Competitive Scholarship Waiver
Economic Development and Diversification Waiver
Research Assistants and Teaching Assistants Waiver
Waiver for College Faculty and their Dependents
Border County Waiver

Authorized Users

Give others (parents, employers, etc.)访问您的学生帐户信息和付款的能力. 

根据1974年《十大网赌正规网址下载》(FERPA), 未经您的书面同意,您的学生财务记录不得与第三方共享. 添加授权用户是您的书面同意,即个人可以查看您的帐户信息并代表您付款.

授权用户不能访问您存储的付款方式, academic records, or other personal information. 您仍需对任何未支付的金额和产生的任何滞纳金负责. 

Add/Remove an authorized user by logging into ACES and selecting the following:

  • Web Services
  • Student
  • Student Account
  • Make a Payment
  • Select Virtual Business Office (Online Payments)


Authorize users to view billing statements, account activity, payment history and 1098-T tax statements, by making the following selections:

  • Authorized Users
  • Add Authorized User
  • Provide the user’s email address
  • Select “Yes” or "No"
    • 您是否允许此人查看您的帐单对账单和帐户活动?
    • 您是否愿意让这个人查看您的1098-T税单?
    • 您是否允许此人查看您的付款历史记录和帐户活动?
  • Add User
  • Read the agreement and check the “I Agree” box
  • 授权用户将收到一封电子邮件,说明如何登录和查看/支付. Authorized users have their own login ID’s and passwords. 使用“操作”图标编辑、删除或显示每个授权用户的协议.